Bikini Wax – The Brazilian Way!

Getting a bikini wax in Hong Kong has been a favourite among women for years. However, Brazilian bikini waxing is now preferred over the regular waxing process. 

The best bikini wax in Hong Kong is in a private room and can take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Buying a bikini wax is like going to a gynaecologist. You are expected to be actually exposed to below the waste limit to get the job done. You have to feel comfortable when you expose yourself to the wax.

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Hair Length: For best results, your hair should have at least a quarter-inch of growth. Shorter hair may not be as catchy. Hence, improper hair removal. If you have short hair, wait for it to grow. If you have longer hair, the wax will cut it to length before the process begins. This is an important step in ensuring that waxing is painless.

Perfect time for an appointment: Make an appointment at least one week after your menstrual cycle. Ideally, a wax mask in the middle of the menstrual cycle is best; right the moment you ovulate.

Regular waxing is less painful. Significantly reduces discomfort and pain. If your skin becomes insensitive to the process, you can choose a Brazilian wax mask.

Regularity: Don't limit the regularity of wax masks in bikinis in the warm summer months. Plan your daily routine regularly to improve hygiene and comfort. Lastly, a regular routine reduces hair growth, pain, and discomfort. If you don't follow a regular schedule, excessive hair regrowth can increase pain.

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