Dietary Salt Increases Stomach Cancer Risk

People are aware of the risky aspects of cancer of stomach that also contain excessive infection along with Helicobacter pylori, smoking, obesity, reduced secretion of acid in the stomach, stomach ulcers, pernicious anemia. 

As with other gastrointestinal tract cancers, diet also appears to play an important role in the risk of stomach cancer. For example, gastric cancer is more common in people who eat lots of meat and red meat, smoked foods, salt and cured or processed foods. On the other hand, stomach cancer is less common in people who consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables. You can also get more details from to keep yourself protected from this disease.

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The role of salt in the risk of stomach cancer was the subject of debate, clinical research studies have reached different conclusions and contradictory on this issue. 

The results of the study of Public Health indicated that the risk of stomach cancer was twice as common in patients who regularly consumed the highest amounts of salt, compared to patients with the smallest amount of consumption regular salt. 

Excessive salt consumption has also been clearly linked to a significantly increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Most expert's hypertension currently recommends that we reduce our average daily sodium intake of 3500 to 4000 milligram (mg) per day level in the US, somewhere around 1500 mg per day. 

Like many other dietary factors and lifestyle have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, reducing sodium intake by reducing your consumption of dietary salt, may pay health dividends not only in terms of reducing the risk of cancer but also in terms of reducing the other global killers of humanity, cardiovascular disease, and stroke!

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