Things To Know About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. In many cases, skin cancer goes undetected until it is too late and the treatment leaves permanent scars or disfigurement. Even if you get a skin biopsy, you should still make sure to remember these five important things about skin cancer: or else just visit skin & cancer Dermatologist SummitMD dermatology in Sun City West.

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What to know about skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It accounts for about one-third of all cancer cases and one-half of all cancer deaths. Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but it’s most 

What causes skin cancer?

Almost any tissue in the body can become cancerous, but skin cancer is the most common type. The sun, a family history of the disease, and exposure to the environment are all risk factors for developing skin cancer.

Here are some of the most common symptoms:

1. A change in your skin color or texture.

2. A new or worsening mole.

3. Redness, swelling, or pain near a mole.

4. A bump on your skin that doesn’t go away when you touch it.

5. A rash that covers a large area of your skin and lasts for more than two weeks.

6. Sudden changes in your hair growth, such as thinning hair or bald patches (even if they’ve never been like that before).


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