Tips for Maintaining Your Lash Extensions

Lash extensions are a popular way to add length, volume, and thickness to your eyelashes. They are made from natural or synthetic fibers that are placed on top of the existing lashes.  If you are looking for the lash extension in Ottawa then, you should visit this site.     

If you have lash extensions, there are a few tips that will help you keep them looking their best.

1. One of the most important things to do when it comes to your lash extensions is to keep them clean. Make sure that you are cleaning them every time you remove them, and also make sure to clean any areas around the lash line where they attach to your eye.

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2. Another thing that can lead to problems with your lash extensions is over-stuffing them. This can cause the lashes to become heavy and lose their shape, as well as making it more difficult for the adhesive to hold onto the eyelash follicle properly. 

3. The adhesive that is used in lash extensions should be selected carefully in order to ensure that they remain in place and look their best. Some adhesives are designed specifically for lash extensions, while others may work just as well. 

4. One of the most important things that you can do to keep your lash extensions in good condition is to apply a moisturizer before applying them. This will help keep the adhesive from drying out and preventing them from sticking properly to your lashes.

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