What You Need to Know About Getting Crowns from Your Dentist

When it comes to getting a crown, it’s important to have all the information before making a decision. Crowns are a type of dental restoration used to repair a tooth that has been damaged or decayed beyond what a filling can fix. 

The crown covers the entire visible part of the tooth, restoring its shape, size, and strength, and often improving its appearance. By consulting with a dentist, you can decide if a crown is the right choice for you. You may visit https://lakeviewdental.ca/crowns/ to consult with an expert dentist regarding crown treatment.

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What is a Crown?

A crown is essentially a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth to improve its appearance, strength, and shape. Crowns are typically made of porcelain and metal, porcelain and resin, all metal, or all ceramic. 

When Are Crowns Necessary?

Crowns are usually recommended when a tooth has become severely decayed or damaged. Other situations that may warrant a crown include a cracked or broken tooth, a tooth that has had a root canal, a large filling, or a tooth that needs to be held together by a bridge. Crowns can also be used to fix cosmetic issues such as discolored or misshapen teeth. 

What to Expect When Getting a Crown

When getting a crown, your dentist will first prepare your tooth by removing any decay or damage. Next, they will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a dental lab where the crown will be made. While waiting for your crown to be ready, your dentist may place a temporary crown to protect the damaged tooth. Once the permanent crown is ready, your dentist will cement it into place, making any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit.

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